
RIVERGATE CBD: Master Plan, Urban Design Framework & Development Coding

Parklands, Cape Town, South Africa (2019-2020)

Rapid development in Parklands has underlined the need for a Central Business District. A civic node was identified by both private and public sector development frameworks on either sides of the proposed Parklands Station situated along the Atlantis Rail Corridor. Sandown Road, along the southern boundary of the site, links the northern development corridor back to national and regional routes.
The Master Plan & Urban Design Framework establishes the movement & spatial structures as well as mixed-use, residential, institutional and educational focus areas. Transport interchanges are proposed on either side of the proposed Parklands Station with a clearly defined NMT-routes linking the eastern and western precincts.
Development codes for all development parcels were conceptualised allowing for individual architectural expression and appropriate response to market demands.


Milnerton Estates Property Developers & Aska Property Group


Rudi Botha, Shafeea Chogle & Matthew Alt


Under construction.